Brief & Reaction

Brief & Reaction

Option 1: Film opening task (video)

Main task: the titles and opening of a new fiction film (to last a maximum of two minutes). Titles should follow the institutional conventions of commercial cinema. The task may be undertaken individually or as a group. There should be a maximum of four members to a group.

All images and text used in the main task must be original, and produced by the candidate(s). Sound should be predominantly original (dialogue and atmospheric sound), though music taken from an acknowledged source may be used as part of the soundtrack. This task should be preceded by relevant preliminary exercises to build up candidates’ skills with equipment and their understanding of conventions.

After reading both briefs, I researched more into what a thriller is, as I already knew the basic outline of the magazine task. This opened my eyes as I found that movies I thought were action actually turned out to be thrillers. Immediately, I decided to take on the challenge of what the thriller task would entail. I have seen many movies however mainly action or superhero based.

Due to this I realised I have to research more about the different types of thrillers and the visual codes which are part of a thriller. From the limited information I have I classify a thriller opening as a fast pace, intense scene with either crime or fighting. An initial idea I have is to have a chase with either bikes or on foot using my drone which can follow moving people or vehicles. This scene would require immaculate choreography so it does not look messy. Furthermore, I would like to have an actor or actress with an a deranged look. For example, they would have: messy hair, a cut lip and untidy facial hair such as below.

Setting SMART targets for each section allows you keep track of your progress within the project. My SMART targets for the research section are:

  • To explore the genre of thriller and learn more about the history of thrillers and improve my understanding of codes and conventions
  • To meet all deadlines in order to stay ahead of all work so when I need to edit sections I can.
  • By learning more about thriller be able to have a good pre-conception of what I will be making.


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