Reshoot information

 Time Schedule

We decided to reshoot the film on the 16th of May. From 4pm-10pm.
We discussed to reshoot on snapchat by brain storming ideas and coming to a conclusion that a reshoot was needed.

Why we decided to reshoot
We had all our clips from our first shoot and when we watched it back the pacing was off. It was too quick for the theme we had in mind. We also didn't include enough detail in our shoot and we didn't have varied shots. We decided on snapchat that a reshoot was needed to get the better marks

What we did

At Oli's House(Milo's house) We added more details to her entering the house, we also changed how she went up stairs and how she found the knives. We finally added a phone call conversation between her and red which added more depth to the story. 

Reflection on the shoot

The scenes that we filmed worked out perfectly. I filmed most of the indoor scenes at Milo's house providing camera shots and angles. The mirror shots were my favourite part of the shoot as it added more creativity to our film. 

We have got all our shoots now and will arrange them on premier pro.


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