Soundtrack analysis

We decided that non-diegetic sound should be used throughout as it aids in adding suspense to the storyline. This was something that we saw in Baby Driver and decided that it was necessary as we didn't have enough foreshadowing to create suspense. The audio we used was through the audio tab in Premiere pro where we spent 1 hour looking through and deciding which was the best option to convey the emotions in our opening. 

We decided to use 2 different backing songs which had no words:

Heavy rain

In the lab

This was because we didn't want the words to take away from the diegetic sound within the opening. There is a change in sound as she picks up the knife which highlights the importance of this moment for the narrative.

We were happy with the choices of non-diegetic sound as we feel that it doesn't take away from the storyline but only adds suspense.


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